Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hexagon Quilt Binding Tutorial

If you were wondering about how to do a fancy quilt binding, here is an inside look at how it is done and links to free resources.

Find the pin here about how to do paper piecing so you can make oodles of pieces to sew.

Find the Paper piecing hexagon printable as a pdf file. Be sure to print it on heavy card stock so you can reuse the pieces instead of printing more out.


Once I had all the hexagons, I hand sewed them together by using a simple loop stitch, which is basically a lazy blanket stitch. You just don't push the needle through to catch the last stitch closing. When you have your chain, take the iron and press it in half, being sure to fold it with the outside pattern on the inside.

Pin your binding to the raw quilt edge with the pattern on the inside and run it through the sewing machine at 1 quarter inch inseam. The real time consuming part is doing that same loop stitch as you pull the points up to each other and close it up. For the corners, I ended up leaving some excess hanging off to be like tassels.

Most of my thread color was a blue/grey color, as I am finding out just how powerful the color of grey can be when trying to find a balance with your colors and patterns mixing. It is like a universal thread color when you can't match it exactly. 

Hand sewing isn't as scary as some may think. I found it to be very relaxing while sitting with the hubby and watching a movie or sitting in church. Give it a try :)

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