Monday, July 28, 2014

Being Paid to Exercise

Being a mother has totally changed my life.period.

I decided to go out for a bike ride on my own over one of the weekends. It occurred to me that I hadn't ridden a bike since before I was pregnant with Eliza and was doing it to get to work since Matt had our only car to head to work outside of town.

This means, it had been FOUR YEARS since my butt touched a bike seat.

Holy moly!

I've also recently picked up a new hobby. Whenever I am out and about and come across a trash can, I take a peek to see if there are any redemption value recyclables. Doesn't matter where...parking lots, the park, store trash cans etc.

Now when I do take a bike ride, I am sure to bring a backpack and I stop to pick up cans/bottles on the road or in public places. Thus far, I've picked up about 50 cents each ride.

I am a mother....nothing grosses me out now a days and I am not too proud to rummage through a trash can. If there was a dollar bill laying on the floor...would you pick it up?

Since starting this hobby in mid May, I've brought in almost $20 of pure profit. Much of this comes from water bottles, as you pay a deposit on them in this state. All those Lipton/Brisk ice tea bottles or juice are a tease as they are of no value. It almost feels like being a kid again, looking to earn an allowance. It gets me out of the house and has the sense of being on a treasure hunt, scanning the sides of roads for coins :)

I am amazed at just how much money is thrown in the can or ground. The monies collected goes to my own "fun money stash".Maybe I should invest it into a beach cruiser seat to ease my bicycle crotch burn ;)

What am I going to do when it snows?

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