Monday, October 20, 2014

Our Mary Poppins Bag

In times where we as a family are found to need to take one or both of the kids to a place where a) There are no kids to play with b)Not a place/event which looks kindly to loud playful children running circles around others or even biting large standing metal vases (yes I am serious about that last one)

This is where we've come up with a bag of fun when times are not so fun (ER, government offices, banks etc..) We came about to this solution when I didn't like handing some electronic binki to the kids to keep them quiet. Because, what we found was if they felt at any time outside of the house was too boring...they just about expected it. Not so much Nolan yet, but Eliza for sure. We've had to set some strict rules about the car dvd player.

Thanks to the recent hospital swag, I've dedicated this for Eliza. We have a mini back pack with other items for the whole family for later on also.

Items found:

Cheap dollar store markers- Who cares if one does get lost or a cap gets left off.
Fast food toys (unopened) - Delay that gratification in the bag for a later time.
Candy!- Well duh. A few suckers can work wonders.
Glow sticks- No matter the time of day...they are still magical.
Misc free notepads- You know the kinds with businesses on the top.
Mini coloring books
Silly Putty
Crayola Twistables- I love these things for the paper free mess and no broken crayons at the bottom of bag.

I've hit up the dollar stores and my fav place to look is the dollar section at Target. Heck, they have stuff I would want to have in a busy bag!

For when they are older
Travel games- Wendy's had great family game night toys of popular full sized ones
Smart links- Flat slat building toy.
Scratch boards- Metal stylus that you scape a board with to revel color behind.

As the kids get older, I am sure I will create special road trip bags filled with fun to use other than back to back movies. But for the time, I will enjoy being able to put together inexpensive fun distraction bags for as long as I can.

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