Tuesday, October 7, 2014

6 Month Anniversary

Yes, its a bonus blog day for ya'll!

It has come to my attention that I have been a fully stay home mom for 6 months now. Certainly doesn't feel like it though.

Here is what I've learned so far:

>Some days, you get the same amount of stuff done as if you were leaving the house for work.
>You may have glorious plans of educational activities to enrich the days...but they don't exactly happen.
>Afternoon nap time can be a wonderful time of the day.
>Dinner can only be as spectacular as to what you have in the fridge/pantry
>You feel like superwoman if you can take both kids to a doctors appointment AND go grocery shopping.
>Why clean up after breakfast when its just going to get dirty at lunch.

I am sure there are more pearls of wisdom learned, but this is what has come to my attention for now.

What have you learned as a mom recently?

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