Monday, May 19, 2014

Snap shots

Oh how I wish my kids could look this nice all the time. Quietly playing by themselves.


This was a short lived moment in our house. Let me count the ways how each child is challenging my patience. 

We are currently in the stage of asking the same question (das mine/I hungey/You hear dat mommy?) over and over. Some days I want to rip my ears off after I've heard this broken record for the umpteenth time. I have to sometimes catch myself in responding with 'shut up', as I know it could be used against me later on. Snapping back with hush or quiet doesn't have the same gratification.

For maybe over a week, Eliza has chosen to poop in her pants. Doesn't matter if we are in or out of the house. To discourage this lazy potty behavior, we've made her be the one to clean out her underpants. The first couple times she hated it and felt like we got over this hurdle.

Bwhahahah... still continues. So today after another poop in the pants....I took away her My Little Pony underpants. She is currently not happy about this, but I refuse to put a diaper on. She goes pee with no problem. I thought maybe busting out the tattoos for poop in potty would encourage her to end this laziness. Nope....

Oh my stubborn little boy.Ye who flails his arms over his tray, spreading dinner on the floor. The one who pushes the limits of CIO. The one who only naps 45 mins tops...

We are in the full throes of hair pulling and biting. Poor Eliza...she has such fine hair and he just yanks out clumps. Besides me just cutting a small section in the back to even it out, she has not had a real full styled hair cut.

Nolan is also learning just how much fun Timeouts are. The biting has got to stop and my attempts of curbing it with mouth or ear flicks isn't working. He'll nip at my inner thighs while cooking meals in protest when I don't pick him up or nurse him at a moments notice. The kind of bites that leave bruises. And they are not just directed at me (Nollie bite me) It was around this same time age wise that Eliza also ventured into this phase. Take a toy away from her or vice ou...a vampire jaws would reveal herself.

God really does have a sense of humor...

For when you've had a wretched day full of tantrums/bodily fluid spills/no bathroom can't help but then miss them late at night and go into watch them sleep so innocently. 

The rest of that day didn't seem to matter after they are asleep and safe. 

So I guess this is motherhood.....

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