Friday, May 2, 2014

Blog Gems

Here are a few blog gems that I've found to strike a real corde as a mother. The kinds that make you say 'whoa' and instil a new spark about how to be a better parent or person.

I have found myself uttering or thinking these things, since before I was a full time SAHM. Those sayings really do take away from the indescribable highs we are paid in as mothers.

Find it here.

I love to sew, and I love to sew projects that come from FREE printable patterns. Because, who has the money to spend on patterns, let alone having the time to spend sewing. Nap time can only last so long ;) Here is a great easy bib pattern that uses an unknown to most laminated fabric with a link to a nice Etsy shop who sells some cut fabrics, all laminated with the ability to buy fat quarters of it.

Take a look over at Peek-a-Boo Pattern shop

On a personal note...
I will leave this entry with something I experienced recently as a mother that was a first for me. It brought  my attention at the wonderful and perfect design that God gave us as women. I was at a playdate recently of a good friend. The kids were all over the place and struggling to find something entertaining to sustain them. In my presence, was a baby who had their time with mommy interrupted, due to being the 4th in line. Holding him was only going so far for contentment.

Then, after asking and being granted permission by his mother, I nursed him.

He ate and ate and slipped into a milk coma as I watched the eyes flutter and finally close. Then I lifted him on to my chest to nap, drinking the sweet baby scent.

I had the ability to feed this child without a bottle or solid food. A child that was not of my own blood or adopted milk was enough to satisfy his thirst.

It had been a long time since Nolan would simply nurse and fall asleep at the breast. (Not to mention, forgetting what it feels like to nurse a baby without teeth!) Being that this is the longest I've ever breast fed one of my children, it was a nice experience to help out not just the baby, but the mother who could attend to her other children's needs in the most simple of ways.

I know this act is nothing new in history, as slaves were sometimes used as wet nurses for their masters children. Some may be grossed out by this act, but all I could see was something beautifully crafted and designed by God.

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