I have 4 couples I know who are expecting in the month of August. Some are first timers, while some have been around the block a few times. When you first start off...it can be a bit overwhelming to even think about what you or others will need to purchase. So....
Here is my list of items that we've found to be useful. (all links from Amazon)

We didn't purchase this as our first stroller. Instead, we trusted getting the "travel system" package deal.
Here's the deal....
Unless you do not own a vehicle, you will only use a stroller most of the time at the mall. In addition, you won't use the stroller much until your baby has outgrown the infant seat. Especially if you don't live in warm climates. Wait until after the baby has arrived and then think of what the new reality of your lifestyle is now. Then you can decide if dropping $400 on a sport utility
BOB jogger is worth it in the long run
I LOVE this stroller. I've flown across the country with it twice with different kids each time. It gives the luxury of full size features (taller, fully reclines, basket underneath) while also being easy to fold, maneuver, store in car. We purchased this before they brought out a new version that lets you click your infant seat into it and spend 50 or so dollars extra....but we were past the infant seat stage.
Fisher Price Rock and Sleep
We had already been given a hand me down pack n play, but I found I kept tossing dirty laundry in it before the baby even got here. Not to mention it wouldn't fit right next to our bed. So with taking some baby shower money, I purchased this before the baby.
This thing lives up to it's promises. I used it right next to my bed until 6 months with Nolan as he was more dependant on mommy being very close. I could easily pick him up to nurse at night and then lay him back down. The wedge shape helped swaddle. The simple and lightweight design made it easy to move it from room to room during the day and pack in the car for overnight trips to the grandparents.
We found this to be on the lower end of high for average use life span. It goes beyond a bassinet by around 3 months more, making it to 6 months give or take. When baby can sit up unassisted and roll back to tummy...it is time to retire this gear.
Car Seats
This one can be the trickiest of all. I think a lot of car seats are sold on the basis of fear.
Here's the deal....
1. All car seats have to meet federal safety standards
2. Not all seats are the same shape/size. Think of your car make/model first and if you or your spouse have long legs. Your baby will be rear facing until the minimum of 1 year, although most recommended rear facing for much longer. Back seating seems to shrink as soon as you are installing a rear facing car seat and will no longer be able to slide the front seats back or recline for a very long time.
3. Infant carriers will only fit your kid until around 6 months. Most kids outgrow them in length first before hitting the weight limits.
Most do by the infant carrier, but if you want a better bang for your buck and lifespan of use, get a convertible car seat. They stay in the car and have a bigger weight limit. You'll also be able to use it for forward facing when the time comes. After 3 months, your little bundle of joy will not be so little, but
heavy! Lugging that carrier around will become a pain and you might opt to just leave the carrier in the car and buckle/unbuckle them in outside of the house.
For more compact cars or crossovers...we have found
Evenflo &
Baby Trend to be kind on the wallet and back seat. A popular mid line convertible car seat by Graco is the
My Ride 65. It is a nice seat,
but....it is quite big. so keep that in mind. A lot will depend on how important brand name
(cough...Britax) and status are to you and how lazy one wants to be when rethreading shoulder straps or installing. They are not that hard to install and most fire departments/police stations will do a free check to insure it is done right.
Low end
High end
Here's the deal...
1. Not all babies like baby wearing.
2. All carriers are not created equal for every body type.
3. Is Daddy comfortable wearing it?
(large men and a Moby wrap look a little silly)
We started off with the Moby wrap. It took some time to feel confident in how to tie it and only was it useful for the first few months. The above carriers will work for the long haul. I found that the Infantino carrier was a little more accommodating to larger sized folks or women with large breasts than compared to the Ergo. But hands down, the price of the Infantino is 1/4th the cost of the Ergo. Just depends on how important brand status is to you. Borrow a friends to see what fits your needs and wallet the best before committing.
This is another item where it can be tricky to know which one is best baby and the house.
Here's the deal...
1.Think of design/function over looks. That wooden
Stokke or
Keekaroo might look nice, but may not be the best in true function. Both of their trays are not big enough to fit many baby and toddler plates.
2. Kids are
hard and
messy when eating. How easy is it to quickly clean after each meal time?
3. Safety. How great and accommodating are the safety straps? They are not all created equal and kids are little Houdini's when they do not want to be sitting.
4. Wait until you reach the solid foods stage to purchase one.
We had originally purchased the toddler chair for Eliza and used the baby tray and straps that came with it. those proved to be pretty pathetic once she started to stand on her own. We couldn't leave her alone in the chair for fear of standing up and falling backwards. But once she was walking and climbing, our wooden high chair was great for a toddler seeking independence.
The infant high chair has been the best for Nolan. We love it for its large feeding tray and safety straps. I will say however, if you have lighter weight table chairs, keep this in mind when they become stronger and can push/pull themselves away from the table while still strapped in. Nolan has pulled himself over while sitting in this thing. So now we have strapped the Space Saver chair in the toddler chair until he can be trusted to climb in and out of the toddler chair without assistance.
Misc but Good Haves
Munchkin Spoons
Sippy Cups
Bouncer (If you have an older child running around) Otherwise see Rock n Sleep
Sometimes the best way to do it is to beg, borrow or steal. (j/k on stealing) Baby stuff takes up a lot of space and then space in the basement or garage. Especially when you find baby HATES to be in the swing or baby wore.
Battery/Plug in Swing
Activity Mat
Baby Wearing
What was your lifesaver for baby?