Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Six Months!

My my six months has flown by....and yet it feels like Alden has been part of our family forever. He really does help balance out the older two, giving them a distraction from fighting with each other...some of the time.

In this last month, we've celebrated Thanksgiving, moved out of the infant carrier to a convertible car seat and spooned our way into the world of solids!

.....yes, I know...riveted reading material here folks.

He can still fit into a few 3 mo onesies, but mostly in 6 to 9 mo clothes. And I think we are on the way out of size 2 diapers, but not till our last pack of 2's are used up.

Right now we are working on sitting up unassisted without the boppy or sitting in a high chair. I think this is where the world really opens up to them when they master this gross motor skill.

Our Well Baby stats are as follows
height: 30 in 97th %
weight:18.3 58th %
head: 91st %

Nolan at 7 months 
Weight: 18.5 lbs. (41st%)
Height: 28 inches (76th%)
Head: (78th%)

So weight wise, they are pretty much spot on. But on the height...yeah this kid certainly grew. Our boys also seem to carry on with the big head trend :) Our next appointment will be at 9 months.

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