Saturday, April 4, 2015

What Came First: Chicken, the Egg, a Bunny or the Dinosaur?

Ah yes, the time of year, if not countdown to Easter morning is upon us parents to shell out the creative juices and/or wallets and head to any of the various store displays with sugary and fluffy ammo. Some parents have planned well in advance and have baskets made, church clothes picked and pressed.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand......then there are us who look out the window and still see snow on the ground and a forecast for more over the weekend.


It is still a surreal concept for most of us as we contemplate if dress shoes for church is going to cut it or do we drag out the boots, for what we pray is the last time this year. Or if we can find some tights for under a dress if we do indeed stay in the 30's.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling any bit of guilt about not dying any eggs, crafting a basket for each of the kids or picked out a new dress/suit for the kids to walk into church with.

But ya know....

It really doesn't matter. Easter has never been about getting sweets, trinkets or why should I start that expectation with my kids now? Before you start rummaging around for a Mean Mommy card to slap in my hands....I am not against anyone giving my kids a basket or inviting them to an egg hunt. It is their choice and never expected to happen. Just a nice surprise. In fact we were blessed out of the blue last night with a wonderful hand-me-down Easter dress from our previous neighbors :)

Over the last few years, it seems to be noticed that some holidays have become ramped up. Baskets have become so full, their contents have spilled out and on to the couch. Gone are the days where an egg hunt involved finding real eggs and more of the candy was reserved for a basket. The emphasis was more about spending time with family and friends than getting things. Those are the special things I want my kids to look forward to....worshiping Jesus centered with other believers....things I did not have the chance to know of in my childhood.

So we will wake up, pull ourselves together the best we can and be glad in knowing of the true sacrifice behind this day :)

I do not judge anyone or families that have their traditions around the holiday. They decide what is best for their children and are allowed to do so. This is just what I desire for my family.

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