Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Prayer Solutions Recap and 2015 Prayers

2014 ----Lord;

In this new year, I would like answers to some very long awaited questions for the future of our family.

Would it be better to purchase a house for our needs than trying to find something to rent which better fits our needs and saves us money?

This one has still gone on unanswered.

Please guide the growth of our family. If we are to have a 3rd child, please let it be known with a peace. Or if we are complete in the growing of our family, let it be also known with a peace and contentment that it is okay to let go of the baby gear instead of holding on to fear that we'd need it later on. Right now, I am open to either path, but enjoying the stage that Nolan is at and the bond our children are making as siblings.

Well, God did help answer this one and gave the sense that someone was still missing from our family. We'll use the gear one more time and then probably try and pass on some of the blessings which were handed down to us :)

Please let Eliza continue to qualify for free physical and speech therapy after her 3rd birthday.

Eliza continued to qualify for therapies and has speech/physical twice a week.

Help Matt and I better our marriage and communication. Also for us to work more as a team in taking care of the house needs. I feel that our only child pasts hinder our ability to be less selfish with our time and energy.

As with most, this will always be an in progress request. With time and hopefully maturity thrown in there, things like this will get easier in time.

You know of the unmentioned requests that I can't really write here, so I leave you this and look forward to look back at this post.

I think this one really stemmed from my desire to step down from working outside the house. It took some big leaps of faith and God placing the right people to help guide us to this revelation. It is a decision I do not regret one bit. I feel much more content in our life circumstances than before, despite having less income and going down to only one car.


Here we are in a new year, and time to see just how God may work in the new year.

Dear Heavenly Father....

Help put in place the people and resources as we prepare to welcome a new family member. Please let this birth experience be a positive one with better healing and recovery after surgery. May our baby be healthy and strong. Also for Nolan, to transition well into his new big brother role.

As much as I have tried to be content in our starter space here in New York, it is becoming evidently clear that something has got to give. I desire to have a place for people and things, instead of cluttering up on each other. The winter months are long and having a finished basement for family time and play would be a wonderful blessing. To have the space means, being able to keep things clean for longer periods of time and use the new place to host gatherings of fellowship.

New Beginnings?
We've spent about 5 years in one place....the longest for myself at least since moving away from home. We keep wondering when you will open the doors to a new state perhaps that will be better for our family's future outcome. I know it would be a mixed blessing, as I have made some wonderful friendships over the years, as have my kids with theirs. Help us discern what your will is for our family.

This last half of the year was rather eventful when it came to our health. Besides the birth of our 3rd child, please keep us healthy and well, with no hospital stays. We are grateful for your providence when these surprises have popped up and for the insurance Matt has with his job.


1 comment:

  1. Hey! My email is: shoot me an email, I'd love to hear your idea.
