Someone once said that giving birth is like a wet St. Bernard trying to squeeze through a cat door. And I am sure most men who have witnessed a vaginal birth might agree when they try and wrap their heads around the idea of passing something that large through their own loins.
After looking through all my available options and advice from my OB/GYN...we are going to go ahead and make this one a scheduled c-section.
No more induction...
Back labor...
With many of the perks which come with scheduling your baby's birthday and making childcare arrangements.....outside of the longer recovery and pain connected with a hit me a few days ago.
I'll never push a rectangular pumpkin out my hoo-ha again.
...and I got a little sad and had a hard time believing I even did it with Eliza. It seemed like forever to get to 4 cm, and I wanted my daughter in my arms NOW and the blasted back labor to knock off. Matt assured me, that yes indeed, I had in fact pushed her out on my own.
I could put my foot down and travel a good distance to a doctor who delivers at a hospital with VBAC options, and pray I could go into labor on my own...
But let's face it....
I am more closed up than a nun when it comes up to the delivering side of things. And I guess, a real challenge when it comes to epidurals being administered. The last thing I want to do is be in labor before hand and then an emergency surgery where I would be knocked out because my pain level can't be controlled (big gasp)...and be knocked out again for the birth.
....this time around though, I am going to insist on gentle cesarean birth, which gives the mother the chance to see her baby born and immediately bond while being put back together again. That would truly be wonderful this time around :)
Prayers for you!!!