Monday, November 24, 2014

Merry Maids

Do you have a weekly cleaning schedule you follow?

Since staying home full time, I had yet to put down any sort of schedule which pertained to house chores. I would see the areas that would be screaming, and I may or may not have attended to them depending on my mood or energy level. Of course there are the urgent ones like unexplained vomit, sippy cup disasters and the, "oh no you just didn't dump every toy bin out!"

We all know about the never ending story of laundry folding. Putting it away is a whole nother book!

Among other daily habits I've struggled to get into in my life...I've found that I need a steady base level of cleaning that gets done, even if nothing else is getting done outside of it. I NEED to know that I am being intentional in some form of house management.

Things like:

Dishes/kitchen counters
Putting recycling and trash in its respective receptacles
Freeing up laundry baskets with clean clothes

I haven't been perfect in sticking to what is down for the day, but I know it will take time. Especially when your hubby has extra time off and throws your day time routine out the window. I've only put things down for M-F for this reason, so I can give myself the highest chance of success with this plan.

What is your dreaded/hated house chore that you wished would just disappear?

1 comment:

  1. I force myself to clean one location a night so that I don't have to do it all at once.

    My dreaded task is cleaning the tubs!
