Friday, August 15, 2014

You've Got a lot of Gall

The Geddes family must keep winning the hospital lottery, as it was my turn to visit. On a Wednesday morning at 4 am, I drove myself into the ER after 5 days of semi mysterious pain and visits with Dr. Google. I had some sort of idea as to what it could possibly very well be, but with throwing in my monthly, things were still a bit unknown.

It turns out, my gallbladder was not at all happy. Two years to this month of August, while carrying Nolan, I had a gallbladder attack. Surgery was not an option, so I was instructed to get it taken care of after the birth. Well, things and symptoms vanished and so I just went on my merry way with no issues, thinking my body had naturally taken care of business itself. While in the ER, they recommended sending me home with pain killer and doing a scheduled procedure later on. 

Ummmmm, no. 

After waiting all day with nothing to eat or drink, they took me down to surgery around 6 pm.

I woke to being coherent while they were transferring me from the surgical gurney to my room bed at 11 pm! Holy smokes!

.....and why do I feel like I wet the bed? (thank you for forgetting to catheter me before surgery) 

I guess the surgery took longer than expected as my gallbladder was HUGE. About the length of a mans hand spread and full of stones. This required incisions being larger than normal for laparoscopic, and I guess 14 or so staples. I never seem to luck out and just get sutures.

That night of recovery was the.worst.ever!

The Morphine was causing the massive migraine and despite Zofran, gave me wicked nausea.

"Lord, I can't take care of this myself. I know you are powerful to take these symptoms me Jesus!"

Less than a minute later, I channel the Exorcist and vomit a green bile mixture clear down past my feet and hit the footboard of the bed. Be careful as to what you pray for! Even the nurses were impressed at my skill. Morphine was discontinued and I got to wait until 9 am for something else for pain.

Oh, did I mention that my roommate also laughed and shrieked in her sleep?

I stayed that day in hospital and discharged the following afternoon.

I am feeling very grateful for Matt's parents driving out to help take care of the kids so he could go to work, the visitors and meals that have been dropped by. I don't know what I would have done without this extra help for my family and I.

I pretty much have a free pass on anything house or childcare related activity until my post op appointment. Each day gets a little better...and so does my skills of picking things up with my toes (if only it worked with diaper changes)

RIP- Erin's Gallbladder 8/6/2014   

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