Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My Bubbles!

In preparation for Eliza's upcoming birthday party, I decided to guiltlessly splurge on a bubble machine. Since I do online surveys which earn me points to redeem for Amazon gift cards, this was within my range. Especially since this mommy gets lightheaded after the constant demand for bubbles...this was well worth it!

I could have left this thing on for another 20 minutes and Nolan still wouldn't have grown tired of the floating entertainment. As you can see in the background, Eliza grew tired of them and pouted on the couch that I wouldn't let her inspect the machine. On a side note, trying to photograph this play session proved to be a bit difficult in the focus department. Many times, a bubble would float just in front and throw my auto focus off.

I love Amazon for the brutally honest customer comments left under products. I found this one to be a great choice. Walmart does sell a bubble machine for a few less dollars, but I wanted something that would last more than a few times. I used some spare Gazillions of Bubbles solution, which has been known to be a good quality solution.

I foresee a bubble bubble bath in the not too distant future for our itty bitty bathroom. May we not 'float' away ;)


  1. Where do you do online surveys to earn Amazon cards?
    That sounds like a great deal!!!

  2. Sarah, its called Opinion Outpost. You earn points for surveys that you complete and then spend your points on different rewards. Not everyone qualifies for each survey, and there are times where I have spent more time trying to qualify and after the pre questions find out I don't.
