Monday, January 26, 2015

It's Snow-fun

The Geddes clan decided to venture out in the 16 degree weather since we saw the sun wouldn't feel as bad....right?

Ha! It was COLD, and we didn't last too long with all 4 of us out. Nolan lasted one run with daddy, and then simply had enough.

Eliza was our little adventurer, and did a few runs down the hill before she had her fill. 

We've had quite the fill of being inside, and sometimes you just have to go for it. Even when you can't remember the last day that it got above freezing, and all your canned food is frozen along with the fruit and beverages sitting in your complimentary "walk-in" freezer...aka the garage!

I do look forward to just near freezing or just above freezing temperatures so we can enjoy the snow a little more before the rain melts it away.

1 comment:

  1. you have WAYYYY more snow that we do
    please send some my way!
