Wednesday, January 21, 2015

It's A...

Yep, that is the latest and greatest news in the Geddes house. We are excited to announce that Nolan will have a little brother to boss around of his very own. This news didn't exactly sit well with Eliza when we brought her along to see the baby. In fact, she was in such a sour mood about not getting to stay with the sitter and her kids.

Not how I expected THAT experience going...

It finally took us telling her that when she is older, she will get her own room eventually.

"A pink room?"

Yes, and your brothers won't be allowed in there to mess with your things. I think she'll fair better being the only girl in daddy's eyes, and we get a little more insurance of having the family name continue on past Matt.
I look forward to being able to hand down some of my favorite boy clothes of Nolan's to this long as the seasons are appropriate. But I guess that is just an excuse for the grandparents to pick out cute stuff ;)

I came up with the Lego announcement after not finding much else that I liked on Pintrest as I've never had a cute photo worthy exposed bump.No....I look more like I'm trying to smuggle two oblong water melons and casaba melons under my shirt.

So, except for this one.....but the few that I showed it to first, asked why I sent them a picture of shoes : P

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