Monday, June 9, 2014

Terrible Whats?!

I came across a blog which I've visited before called Scary Mommy, and after someone posted this link, blog entry resinated heavily with the season of life I'm in. Feel free to give it a read through since I am unable to copy and paste portions of it.

I had overheard folks talk about how age 3 was worse than 2, but kinda brushed it off as delayed terrible 2's.


I think the language difference is totally accurate. There are times where I want to rip my ears off after hearing the same statement or blasted Frozen song over and over. Is there no escaping?

Oh...and the bladder issues.

I know where the bathroom is in the majority of places we shop. And when we reach the room of relief, she suddenly doesn't have to go. Graah! If you've ever tried to fight a three year old to sit on a toilet and stay just ain't going to work. Then if you are at home and casually state your need for the bathroom, all of a sudden....!

You are pushed aside as your child runs to the toilet as if they were being chased by zombies.


I think this explains it all.

Any bets on how the 4's will be?

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