Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Guess who moved into a big boy chair!

Nolan is ever increasingly making it known that he is not a baby anymore. After many cries and screams being placed in his highchair and more than once, climbing the table/chairs and was becoming evident that some things needed to change.

Nolan can now climb into his seat with ease. This is the same chair Eliza started with, which seemed better suited for toddlers anyways. I also find less food hidden during clean up :)

I usually transition my kids out of their crib before they realize they can climb out of it. Both kids have done this at around the 15 to 16 month mark and done pretty well.

But Nolan is a WILD sleeper.

Here's proof

One night even resulted in a bloody nose :( We've since solved this problem by placing two jumbo pool noodles under the fitted sheet on each side. So far this has really helped in giving his unconscious self some guidelines as to where the bed ends.

For the first time since I assembled the crib getting Eliza's room ready over 3 years ago...the crib has been dismantled and placed in the garage. Surprisingly, there we no tears from him nor I. I saw it as a corner of space being freed up for toys.

Nolan saw it as no longer being imprisoned while Eliza could escape.

He also can say bye, nanna (banana) and I want that. I hope this language trend continues since learning eliza had a delay.

What next little boy...potty training? 

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