Friday, December 26, 2014

Eliza-isms (100th Post)

As time passes me by, I feel like I need to document some of these phases of each child. So here are the most recent things Eliza has been stuck on....that may or may not drive me up the wall.

"All myself"
This independance wheeling preschooler insists on doing many things without assistance.

"What's he/her name"
It doesn't matter if it is someone on a commercial, a stranger on the street or a picture of someone. She insists on knowing what their name is. I'll give a quick "I don't know" most of the time, but will have to make up some fake name to quiet the incessant asking.

She will chant this over and over when with her food. It absolutely has to be mixed up in order to be fit for consumption.

"We take turns in mommy's tummy?"
Now that she knows there is a baby growing inside me, she will frequently ask for the baby to come out already so she can go back inside. When I tell her the baby is still to small to come out, the curtain is lifted and the drama starts. I'll tell her that its small, dark and no netflix. This still does not convincer her otherwise. Sorry kid, it is a one way door for each!

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