Monday, May 12, 2014

No Movie for Superwoman

Another Mother's Day has come and gone...

Life continues to resume normal while daddies head off to work and mommies continue to work in and outside of the home. It is Monday.

This year was a different kind of Mother's Day. We spent it down by the city with Matt's parents and brought along my mother. The weekend was busy with celebrating Matt's mom as she walked across the graduation stage and received her Doctorate in Ministry. Sunday was a full day at the seminary that she is the Dean of Education. Church was full of jr. and senior church memberships, baby dedication, and toddler dance performances. Obligatory trinkets were handed out to all mothers present.

This should be a wonderful day for a mother...right?

What is not mentioned is having young children who could care less for most of the excitement going on at church that day and rather scream, kick off, run and otherwise behave in a less than desired way which requires the parents to hold/shush/rock in and out of the back of the chapel. They do not understand yet the importance of this day reserved for mothers. They will not know how sore and tired their mother's arms and back are after the day is over from carrying them and putting them back in time out over and over again.

When life rutts it's ugly head, there is no time or place for a mom to feel and be treated like a queen on her day.

It may be this season of life you're in where finances crush any hopes of special treatment.

Or, you've been robbed of your children who have passed too soon and it is hard to feel like you can genuinely enjoy this day.

If you've noticed the box office over the years, you'll have seen that many of the comic book superheroes have movies about them....even sequels. Yet, we have not seen one movie about Superwoman. And certainly no movies about the daily struggles we as mothers go through.

There are no merit badges for sacrificing a part of yourself to raise and nurture a child.

No excitement or trumpets played for tackling your toddler into their car seat or pulling off a wrestling move in order to get them take their medicine despite it being kid flavored. I am sure there will be Mother's Days that will be remembered, and others that we will want to forget when they fall short of our unrealistic expectations.


Mothers should be celebrated EVERYDAY because kids do not take a break from their typical behavior on any particular day of the year.

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