Thursday, March 19, 2015

Maybe when I'm Older

This seems to be a very common response from Eliza these days. She'll see things the big kids or even adults are doing/saying/traveling to, and she'll ask to do them while immediately answering her own question with this phrase.

Trying to convince a 3 yr old to enjoy just being 3 while she can is a challenge. To her, being more grown up means always sitting at the big table, not taking off your mud boots when getting home and applying toothpaste without any assistance.

Why is it when we are finally old enough and burdened with adult responsibilities, we long to go back and be 5 again. Carefree and imaginative, where eating a bowl of sugar cereal and catching Saturday morning cartoons was the start to a GREAT day off. In a recent dinner table conversation with Matt, we recalled still remembering a few cheat codes to our Sega Genesis. Up, down, left, right, select, start! This would open up every level available in Sonic. Eliza now chants or sings this cheat code at random times, thinking it is the coolest thing to say.

I think one of the most scariest things to do as a parent is to let your kids their own pace. We either keep trying to protect and do everything/shield them, or grow frustrated about their "childish" behavior. So which is it ma?

We are in the home stretch to having a 4 yr old in the house. In the fall, she'll ride the school bus on her own to preschool and begin a marathon of learning in and outside of those walls.

Before she'll even know it, she will be older :)

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