Tuesday, May 10, 2016

11 Months


I hate this month for the sole reason my babies look so much less baby and more so beginning toddler.

Teeth keep spurting up through those gums while my daughter keeps loosing em. His count is now 7 toofers.
Most of his clothes are in the 12 to 18 month range, with a few 2T pajamas he can get away with. 

Steps have been taken...4 at the most in one time. Alden loves to pull himself up on furniture and then let go and stand and gaze around like its no big deal. If I've gone upstairs, he is very quick to follow me and has made it to the 3rd step before I rush to remind him of the boundaries.

I think we've entered into some of the separation anxiety stage. For staying at the grands house, this was the first time he's taken a long time to warm up to his surroundings and to the warm open arms of grandma. He'll cry rarely in my arms....and claw his way to me if in daddy's embrace and I come within inches of him.

My yearning for his independance to increase accompanies damage to my heart. Of course I want him to grow and develop into the next phase, but I can't help but long for more of the baby wearing and cuddling stage. Yes....I want my cake and eat it too. Freedom for myself AND baby smells with long gazes at each other.

If only I had friends close by to get a baby baby fix and promptly hand them back. No nieces or nephews to dote over either.....being an only child sucks at this stage of life.

I know I keep promising a post about the house....but I RARELY get very long stents of time down in the basement where the office is kept to get images edited and posts typed down. I find I do most of my casual online involvement on the phone....which is not blog or photo editing friendly.

So hope springs eternal

I have been seriously considering scrapping a 1st birthday party and doing our own family cake smash. I feel like ain't nobody have time for that party prep....or anything else fun.
When did I become soooo boring? 

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