Thursday, January 21, 2016

Survivor: Toddler Edition

There are some days where I wonder if I'll ever make it through the 2nd and 3rd years of Nolan's childhood.

I can a child be so disobedient and angry a lot of the time, while in between, pull a 180 and be clamoring for my attention asking for cuddles. I want to sock the person who ever started spreading the rumor that boys were easier than girls!

News flash.....either sexes are difficult no matter who's kids they are.

Matt and I'll notice we have to guard things which Eliza had no interest in. Things like climbing baby gates, pounding on doors, running toys on the walls, scribbling on walls. The list could go on forever.

Every child develops at their own rate, but I can't help but wonder if my son will ever be bright. Simple things like describing where something is in the room for them to put away or bring to me. Speech articulation is still an issue and we have him set up in March for another evaluation, but this time from the school district.

People say girls are usually ahead of the boys, but when do things level out?

This season of life with my oldest son has made it hard to want to love him. To feel like he is the world to me, and will be successful in life.

Nap time can go either way. We've had 1.5 hours of him screaming and pounding the door sooo hard that I wonder if he'll punch a hole in the darn thing. Simple requests are met with many 'no's' and temper tantrums. He'll bite me when I have to carry him to time out...take a swing at me or his sister while walking by him while on time out. A real Jekyll and Hyde kind of personality and its wearing both Matt and I out. Is a little balance too much to ask for?

I've tried everything I think imaginable as far as tips and tricks go...but this stubbornness is world record worthy.....

Please, please tell me there is light to be found at age 4 and beyond?

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