Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mid Monthlies

So here we are...another month and they always have a middle to them. Lets just see about how AWESOME of a mom I've been lately...

The third child is getting to test the limits of just how absorbent those huggies really are. I'll get caught up in all the things that are required in the day dealing with the kids, that I have to pause and think...wait. when were you last changed : /

My 2.5 year old now requests mommy if never having weaned him at 15 months...he picked it up without any question one day when I was so tired of trying to fight him off while feeding Alden. And even in the long streak of not allowing him...he would try going for them almost every time! What can I say...I think I'll know what kind of "man" he'll be.

I let my 4 year old CIO last night for nearly an hour as she demanded a bed time song after I had already supplied them with a long story. And might I add, this request came right as I was closing the door. The difference between a CIO infant over a preschooler is they can bang the door while wailing like a banshee!

I have had to resist the urge to email Eliza's teacher every day. I only get so much out of my daughter after she gets off the bus as to what she did that day. It is weird to have her in the new world of school and not be in it with her. Like who would name their kid "Galactic"? She swears this is his name and she could not be mistaking it with Sebastian...

Oh...and there is plenty of room on this mountain of awesomeness, so enjoy my fellow friend here

1 comment:

  1. Ugh - it is tough to let Luc CIO some days. She's fed, she's dry, she's beyond exhausted - GO TO SLEEP kid.
    Good for you. I don't even want to imagine the preschool years yet.

    I have a kid in my swimming lessons named Skywalker - I believe anything these days.
