Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Heart of Community

"Won't you be mine, won't you be mine....won't you neighbor" - Fred Rodgers

As our ways of communicating have become much more advanced, we taking advantage of this advancement without being present. From social media and entertainment at our fingertips which don't have to leave the confines of our homes...we are seeing a lot less of us with each other.

Over the past five years we've lived here...we have seen our neighbors come and go. Some have been great, while others we hardly knew. We were either ships passing in the night with our lifestyles, or our stages in life differed, making any possibilities of connecting to be almost nonexistent. For us, knowing how social and friendly we are...this made us sad. We like to know who we live with and see if there is any chance for us to connect with others. Our kids thus far have also inherited this friendly character trait....if not a little too well!

This is the first summer where we have more than just 1 or 2 great neighbors living with us...but the community spirit which has blossomed due to some things going on with the ownership of the properties we reside in...its something special. We are coming together to help each other out. Lawns are getting mowed with borrowing or even doing it for others. Parents actually go outside and socialize with the other parents and help watch each others kids as they play. Kids go from one side of the yard to the other...playing with each others backyard toys. Even spontaneous bonfires and grilling take place. Need a tool for a project? Chances are one of us has it and lets you borrow it.

We are coming together....pooling our resources and talents. It is the kind of things of the past like knocking on a neighbor's door for a cup of sugar. 

No one is complaining at the sounds of kids making noise like you hear about on social media.

The kids have others to play with this summer, although Eliza is the only girl of the group lol.

I am excited for the first time in a long time this summer season and the good times to be had!

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