Monday, August 11, 2014

You Must be This Tall

Do you remember the movie with actor Tom Hanks who wanted to be BIG? He desperately wanted to go on a thrill ride while noticing a girl from class. If it wasn't bad enough that his parents were there embarassing him, he learns he came up too short to ride. He later finds a Zoltar fortune teller and makes a wish to be big.

We have now reached the age where a little girl may experience the thrill of amusement rides for the first time. At an annual event held by the Erie Canal, kiddie rides were an obvious draw to this excited three year old. So we decided to treat Eliza to a ride wristband.

Dragons, spaceships and motor cars took her up, down and around.

I think the giant wavy slide paid for itself in number of rides for the cost of the wrist band. She carried her sack and climbed all the way to the top. Her first words after each return at the bottom was "again again" as I had to reminder to wait her turn in line.

Despite the humid heat, she was a hardcore thrill seeker. Nolan spent most of the time sleeping in the wagon since it was smack dab in the middle of nap time.

Maybe some of this growing older stuff isn't so bad...

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